Monday, February 20, 2017

How To Apply For Duplicate Pancard Online Official Website [Form, Correction, Download]

If you are one of those who suffers, "I lost my pan card how to get the duplicate online" or searching for duplicate pan card online official website then this post comes with the solution. Check duplicate pan card form download and pan card correction online. All the things you need to know described in this post.

As there are some complications or troubles, it is but obvious that they all are meant to have solutions. So stay calm and no need to panic more if you have lost your PAN card, damaged or theft because you have some options to get Duplicate PAN card.

PAN card is necessary for daily use if you are dealing with huge transactions or business purposes and even salary purposes. Hence Duplicate PAN card is the system that has been implemented by government and helped people out there.

Whether any category I.e. Individual/Trusts/HUF’s, you can apply for Duplicate PAN card or reprint it, if lost or damaged; follow the simple steps and guide mentioned below. 

If you are PAN card holder only then you are eligible to apply for this and majorly you have to provide the reason for reprinting. In such conditions, there is no change in the card number, but if any alteration provided it may change.

1. https://www.tin–

Offline Procedure for Duplicate PAN Card for  is as follows:

First and foremost step is to Log in to the official page of TIN-NSDL and move on to Reprint option of PAN card.

Depending on Individual, trust or HUF; you have to choose the “apply” option for replacing or duplicate PAN card.

  • There will be a page that asks for detailed information about Permanent Account Number, address, name, contact number etc. Do not click on the button that is on left-hand side that appears on the form.

  • If you are applying for duplicate, you have to submit some legal documents like id proof, the birth of date proof and photographs. Suppose you want to reprint then you have to input the card number of your current account.

  • For replacing, you have to pay some amount and that too depends on the communication area and the place where it is to be delivered that charges 179 Rs and if it is for out of India it has 989 Rs charges. As per your wish, you can process out the payment by net banking, debit or credit card or demand drafts.

  • As and when all the documents are submitted and verified, a confirmation letter or call will be provided. This contains 15 digits unique number that will be required for any future agreements with the authorities.

  • You will hence receive the post after or around 2 weeks.

Online Steps for Duplicate PAN card tin-nsdl Application Form:

  • Click on, you will have the page that contains many options and click on to Apply Online.

  • Secondly, you will find multiple options, here you have to choose the “Application Type” and select the third option that holds the choice of “Change or Correction in Existing PAN Date/Print of PAN card.

Step 1 for Duplicate PAN card

  • Depending on company or individuals, you have to select the relevant option of “Category”.
  • Thereafter the applicant has to input the required details. Foremost the ‘Title’.
Step 2 for duplicate PAN card

  • Add your Last name, Middle name and so on the other info that is mandatory.
  • Mention the details about your Date of birth, month and year respectively.
  • At last, you have to submit your contact number and email address whether it is of India or outside the country.

step 3 for duplicate PAN card

  • The last but not the least, you have to check all the details and enter the captcha image. Submit the info and hence the work is completed.

  • You will get the option of payment. Click on it and move on the further process.

  • Suppose you miss out the payment or due to some reason the payment process does not get complete, you may return back and repeat the same procedure.
step 4 for duplicate PAN card

  • If you get completed with the payment, navigate to the save and print option.
Step 5 For Duplicate PAN card

Step 6 for duplicate PAN card
  • Scan two photos and submit it to the form and the signature of the applicant is need to be done in the box.
step 7 for duplicate PAN card

  • Attach the mentioned documents and post to the NSDL e-govt Site.
step 8 for duplicate PAN card

Important Note:  If you choose the option of Digital Signature certificate, you have to scan all the documents and photo and submit it. Check all the documents that are needed and give as per requirement, because you may face errors if it is not done so.

step 5 for duplicate PAN card

For Online Duplicate PAN card via utiitsl:

There are some easy steps, that you can complete it within the small duration of time. As India is now diverting towards Digital options, you are getting more easy ways that can be accomplished by your own way rather than scraping your shoes at the various offices. 

Follow the given step with images that will fulfill your doubts and get clear ideas to login and another process.

Firstly Log in over PAN Online Application Form.

1. There will be multiple options, here you have to click on Status of applicant box. According to your requirement click on the right option. Eg: Individual, Trust or company etc.
Step 1 for utiitsl

2. Add the information of Date of Birth, gender, and other details respectively.
step 2 for utiitsl

3. Now you come up to adding the info of contact number and address.

step 3 for utiitsl

4. Select the choice of a document that you are going to submit over to them that holds DOB information, Address proof and identity proof.

step 4 for utiitsl

5. For the verification, you have to SUBMIT the given data and navigate to “MAKE PAYMENT” option.

step 5 for utiitsl

7. As per your wish choose the option of Net banking or Demand Draft.

Other further steps are similar to as that are mentioned in the above first option of Applying for Duplicate PAN card of tin-nsdl.


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